VP Robot Source’s
These are the reason many ‘programmers’ that come from start to program, Here you will find Examples that use Winsock Wrappers like VPSock, Dummysock and other wrappers. There are also Raw Winsock examples which Wrappers like Dummysock are based..
- Combustion The First Public Lagger Source By Pr0pain
- Spiders A Cool ass well wrote multi dummysock lagger. By -Deth
- Beetles Another multi-lagger By -Deth
- Leet Fux0r This is a Flash Booter + More By eric
- AV Theif A cool Av Stealer Bot By -Deth
- Kane An old TSA lagger type program By Ed0
- Sarah’s 5 Days A file lagger By AcidX
- Lil Nero A Lagger bot source By ??
- Liquifiied Bot A Bot By Liquified
- Hook Bot This is cool, its Wizdum’s test bot By Wizdum
- Dummysock Example A Basic bot source By ??
- Multi Dummysock A Basic Multi-Bot source By ??
- Dummysock Room List Some Advanced DSock Code
- VP Socker 5 A FULL VP client By -Violent-
- Dummysock Pal A Good Pal Clone By -Deth
- LopeVP A mini VP Client By AcidX
- Baboons Full Featured Bot By Wizdum
- Method Bot Dummysock lagger, lotta features By ??
- Muggle5 Prolly the best mug program ever made By Wizdum
- Bot2k A Bot example from theprophecy
- Multi-Target Multi Target Bot Login By Deth
- PalXpress Leet0 Pal, shows how to use it to send REAL files
Multi-Tool Source
This is where the Terror in VP started, with Scrollers and IM bombers and Alert bombers, This is all the offensive weapons that people had b4 Direct Connection Bots came into play
- Gimpdafied VP
- Zips Tools
- Burn VP
- Wizdum Tools
- SNFU Tools
- VP Cobra
Filter / Firewall Source
This is where you will find the source code to VP Firewalls, many of the filters here can easily be modded to block anything out there today and made into the basis of a damned good filter.. Theres also a few other things here along those lines..
- Fortress / Bastion Early Bastion/ New Fortress By JX n Inty
- Random 1 Good base for someone wantin to make one By DLoD
- Random 2 A much improved Random, Lots of potential By DLoD
- Thimble 1 The filter that started them all By MoUsE
- Cadmus A well featured filter, lotta stuff By Wizdum
- Cadmus Mini Full Protection, Less Features By Wizdum
- Citadel The flood gate that started them all By Genocide
- Antifreese Ultra The orginal game freeze block By Dummy
- Winsock Splitter Used to parse the data
- Zips Ambush A basic IP theif By Zipz
- Proxide Make a VP room on your PC By Sphyn
Room Busters
Many VP programmers look into and commonly make room busters, Its concidered a place to start..
- Smart Buster
- Genocide Buster
- Advanced Room Buster
- Room Changer+Buster
Misc Codes
This is where i decided to put all the misc codes for things like AV Flashers and Alert bombers and other things that dont fit into the above sections, If there is enough of any one thing in here i will make a new secoction..
- Alert Bomber
- Auto Av Flasher
- Booter
- Buddy Manager
- Zips ID Manager
- IM Sender
- Enc Passy Grabber OCX By KiZp
- ID Stealer
- IM Answer Machine
- VP ini Handler
- PCode Grabber By Deth
- Excitation loads of VP related code
- MassIM A Mass immer source By Mouse ?
- Grab VP UID By Deth
- PVP Sign Up 1 Sign up accounts + other good code By Dummy
- Dummys Passy Stealer By Dummy
- Skin City Shows how to download and preview skins By DLoD
- File Wiz This used to be a remote file downloader By Necro
- Name God A New Account Maker DLoD
- Graphitti Bot An AV Stealer Bot in Winsock By DLoD
- Av Gallery Shows how to make a VP like gallery for ur app By DLoD
Module Collection
This is where i will be placing Visual Basic Modules (.bas), There will be single modules and collections of modules dependin on how i find them and if i have time to sort them out.
- VpMoUsE Does lots of VP Functions
- String Manipulation Helps with strings
- Winsock Splitter Splits the Winscok Returns for bots and filters
- Module Libs A Collection of Standard Modules and Class Modules
- Basic Modules A good start for any programmer :o)
- Extra Modules This is a large collection of modules